Hertfordshire Nannies and Maternity

25 years experience in childcare

Angels Nannies and Maternity

Covering Hertfordshire and the surrounding counties

Placing Nannies, mother's helps, housekeepers and maternity nurses

Call us on 01727 220490

Information for Nannies wishing to join us

Thank-you for taking the time to look at the website of Hertfordshire Nannies and Maternity. Our aim is to find you a childcare position that suits your requirements.

Please contact Helen by either email or telephone to arrange an informal interview. We try to interview at your convenience - as well as office hours, interviews can be held at weekends or during evenings by special arrangement.

When all of our checks are in place we will look through our job database to find any positions that may be suitable to you. Please note that we will only put you forward for any job that you express an interest in. We can then arrange an interview time that is mutually acceptable to both parties.

Current Vacancies

For a full list of current vacancies, please see our main website (www.angelsnannies.co.uk)

Please supply the following:

  • At least 2 written references that we can check verbally
  • Original childcare certificates
  • An up to date C.V.
  • Passport and driving licence - both parts
  • A passport photo of yourself
  • A current DBS check- we can help you obtain this if you don't have one
  • I.D. with your current address on e.g. utility bill. The driving licence will suffice if one is held
  • First Aid certificate - if you do not have one, please speak to Helen and she will put you in touch with the relevant organisation
  • National Insurance Number

We also recommend to our childcarers that they obtain their own insurance. Please ask Helen for details or visit www.mortonmichel.com.

You can also find us listed on the MNT Training website

MNT Training